Thursday, August 28, 2008

Go Cavemen!

Football season is here. Eli had his first football game Tuesday night and .... he scored his first TOUCHDOWN!!!
Sy and I just looked at each other and grinned .... we were sooo proud! See how proud Sy was ....

First Day of School 2008

The first day of school was actually on Sy's 6th Birthday ... so it was a Big day here!! He rode his bike to school with Sierra and had a great day ... getting to school the other days hasn't been as easy, but that's another blog. So, I was standing on the porch waving and maybe crying .... Eli comes out to wave and says, "do i have to cry too??" ha, ha --- not funny :o) Nice that we took the time to do Sy's hair on the first day of school!

It was McKenna's first big day too .... High School!!! Ugh ... Where does the time go?? Eli is in the 8th grade at the Jr. High and Noah is in the 5th grade. Not ready for the homework, but ready to get into a routine .... (that's almost as funny as Eli earlier) ... routine! But we are trying ...

Jen and Tiffani came for the weekend with all of the kids so we could have one last party before school (and to hold my hand while my babies left for school). They are such sweet friends who know what I need, when I need it, and for that I am grateful. Amanda and the boys came for fun too!